20th February
Speaker: Dr Ian Nicolson
Topic: What’s the Meaning of “Common Sense”
About the Speaker:
Dr Nicolson did a PhD in BioOrganic Chemistry at Leeds University, conducting research into how plants make drugs. He then worked for Unilever for 19 years on Product & Process Development, leading to Environmental Engineering & Environmental Management. He worked for 12 years in Hong Kong for a Certification Body, auditing in HK & PRC to ISO 14001 and ended up Lecturing at HK University on an MSC course in Environmental Management.
He has been in Thailand for the last 15 years practicing his hobbies of breadmaking, baking, brewing, cooking, designing & maintaining web sites, building and repairing computers, helping with the organisation of a “running club with a drinking problem” and helping in the running of the Pattaya Expats Club.
Presentation, Tips & Tricks re Quick Meals and Duty Free Spirits