Update: 22/3/2025

  1. Details of the Next Meeting & Speaker: 25th March 2025
  2. Check "Latest News" for the document issued by Thai Revenue Dept September 2024 explaining exactly what your requirements are. This should clear up any confusion re misinformation.

  3. Latest info on special packages from Phyathai Hospital click here

Note: text in light blue means click on the text to get to the linked page.

The PATTAYA EXPATS CLUB is the first and largest live advice and information service for foreigners in Thailand. PEC celebrates more than 2 decades of advice forums established in March 2001 with the motto ‘Expats Helping Expats – to live safely and legally in Thailand’.

PEC public meetings take place every TUESDAY morning starting with a breakfast buffet from 09:30-10:30 followed by a meeting featuring local news and guest speakers from 11:00. Everyone is Welcome.

Our aim is to provide foreign visitors and residents with good quality advice to comply with the laws of the Kingdom, to make their stay here safe and to be a channel for local Thai authorities to the foreign community; plus charitable efforts to the community.