David Collier

Speaker: David Collier

Topic: Canterbury Tales

About the Speaker:

David hails from Canterbury, Kent, UK, having resided there for 21 years. Now 66 years of age, he spent his youth as a Gamekeeper across various regions of the UK. Following a shift in circumstances, he transitioned to working with the Canterbury Samaritans and became involved in the Prison Listener Schemes at HMP Elmley, Standford Hill (on the Isle of Sheppey), and Canterbury prisons. As he delved deeper into these activities, he found himself entangled in complex situations, (as detailed in his latest book). In 2003, David relocated to Thailand, with only a brief return for a funeral since then. Diagnosed with Inclusion Body Myositis in 2013, he has been wheelchair-bound for approximately 6 years.

Presentation, Interview

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